About Us

A Few Words About Us


When we looked at the real estate business in Liberia, we instantly observed many things that could be improved to make life much easier for anyone doing a real estate transaction. We reckoned the problem, it was a significant one, and because we fundamentally are problem solvers, we could not pass this one on. We had seen countless number of land disputes that ended in emotional and physical injuries and in some cases fatalities. We wanted to bring order and confidence to an industry fraught with chaos and mistrust.

The challenges are on both sides of any transaction - buyer and seller sides. Commercial or individual real estate developers/owners who wish to offer a real estate on a market have no established platform where their inventory may be conveniently accessed by potential buyers. On the flip side, this very lack of a ubiquitous marketplace means buyers also have a huge challenge finding real estate properties for their needs.

In many cases, even when a buyer finds a property that (s)he wants there is a significant possibility that the property may already have multiple ownership claims that may be hidden from the view of an unsuspecting buyer. This class of dubious transaction accounts for an overwhelming majority of land conflicts in Liberia. It is also a major factor prohibiting the Liberian diaspora from acquiring real estate property in Liberia.


Our Solution

To solve this problem we needed a marketplace that was ubiquitous, transparent and secure. An online marketplace that is inherently ubiquitous and backed by respected individuals that would provide a public and yet secure place for real estate transactions seems like the ideal candidate solution. To enforce security we do a meticulous verification of sellers and their inventory before their listing is made public on our platform. We remain involved at every stage of a transaction to guarantee and validate a fulfilled transaction, providing a peace of mind for both buyer and seller.